Thursday, December 27, 2012

Assassins's Creed III Connor Kenway Functional PVC Bow

As the title says, this is Connor Kenway's bow from Assassin's Creed 3.  Yes, it's a little different from the game, I had to change a few things in the design so that it would actually work as a bow, like making the handle a little thicker to keep it from bending from all the pressure and thinning out the limbs a little so it would bend easier.  I'm not sure about the colors though, I used several reference pictures (as well as the game), and they all seemed to be different shades.  I finally settled on the medium-ish brown and I think I made the right decision.  

Yes it is made from PVC, and yes it does work.  I think I actually made it a little too strong, it broke one of my arrows and split the knock all the way down the arrow.  I also used a similar design and made a Hunger Games-like bow (that one works really well, and doesn't break arrows).  

Here is the bow:

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Assassin's Creed 3 Tomahawk Replica

I had originally done this project very quickly and sloppily. I posted the pictures to this blog and soon after removed them. The more I looked at the thing the more I hated it, it just didn't seem right. So, I completely scrapped it and started again from scratch. This version is much more true to the game and I feel very happy with this one in place.

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Skyrim Windhelm Guard Shield Prop Replica

So I have made it a goal to create all nine hold shields. I just think that it would look really cool to have all nine mounted on a wall together.

I decided to make the Windhelm shield second because that is where I spend most of my time. (Besides Whiterun)
I will put up WIP pictures after the last shield has been made.

Here are pictures from the Windhelm Shield

Monday, October 1, 2012

Skyrim Whiterun Guard Shield Prop Replica

           Hello! Over the weekend, I was feeling a bit "crafty", so I busted out the old Skyforge and got to smithing. I completed this Whiterun shield in two days and just wanted to share the finished product. 

The only thing about this that I wish I would have done differently is the horse insignia. the shape and size is great, but the position is a little bit too high. It was late at night and I was eager to get this done. I could either spend another two days re-painting and a bit of money JUST to preposition it, or I can settle for what I am already pretty happy with.

If you have any questions about this project, feel free to leave a comment and I will get back to you as soon as possible. Thanks!

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Fallout Plasma Rifle no.1

This is the first update for the Fallout Plasma Rifle!!!! I've decided to do these updates in parts because this prop will probably take a LONG time to make now that school is in progress.First I did the main barrel. 

It's created from a 3in. PVC pipe cut into four sections and holes drilled big enough for a smaller pipe about 1 1/4in.. I then covered the end of the smaller pipe with clear plastic and another plastic ring on top of that to create a "porthole" effect. 

The vent piece is just plastic sheets cut and glued together into the desired shape.

I've decided to paint as I finish each individual piece because if i waited until the end, there is going to be a lot of hard to reach places and it would just make it even harder to deal with.

The next piece that I am working on it the syringe-looking nose of the gun, look for those to be posted soon. 

Thanks to all the people who have posted blogs about this gun, it is really helpful to see how they worked their way around problems and helping me get through mine!

Saturday, September 15, 2012

AER9 Laser Rifle Replica Done!

After about 3 weeks and 7000 changes to the weathering on the AER9 Laser Rifle, I think it is just about done. This was the finished product.


For a first project, I think it turned out pretty good. Now me being the BEST BLOGGER EVER, I only remembered to take one W.I.P. shot so.... yeah.

As you could probably tell, its almost completely made out of MDF. The only other things that I used was ghetto styrene, a metal bar for the pipe on the bottom, and some rubber tubing for the pipe on top.

I had actually finished this project about two weeks back, and have just now gotten around to posting anything about it. Since then I have already started on a new project that I will be posting about very soon. Oh and that reminds me... more Work In Progress Pictures! 

Because of the fact that I'm such a massive fan of the Fallout series, this next gun is as you guessed it, the Plasma Rifle! Look forward so seeing from that!

If you have any questions about the Laser Rifle, feel free to leave a comment and I will get back to you as soon as possible.