Thursday, December 27, 2012

Assassins's Creed III Connor Kenway Functional PVC Bow

As the title says, this is Connor Kenway's bow from Assassin's Creed 3.  Yes, it's a little different from the game, I had to change a few things in the design so that it would actually work as a bow, like making the handle a little thicker to keep it from bending from all the pressure and thinning out the limbs a little so it would bend easier.  I'm not sure about the colors though, I used several reference pictures (as well as the game), and they all seemed to be different shades.  I finally settled on the medium-ish brown and I think I made the right decision.  

Yes it is made from PVC, and yes it does work.  I think I actually made it a little too strong, it broke one of my arrows and split the knock all the way down the arrow.  I also used a similar design and made a Hunger Games-like bow (that one works really well, and doesn't break arrows).  

Here is the bow:

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